Giveaway Tuesdays has officially ended! But don't sweat it, WonderHowTo has another World that's taken its place. Every Tuesday, Phone Snap! invites you to show off your cell phone photography skills.
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Sugru is a wonder silicone that allows users to "hack things better". With a little creativity, you can use it to fix or personalize your belongings to make them stronger, safer, better. It's super handy and the good news is—we have two packs to give away(NOW CLOSED). If you haven't participated in this week's Giveaway yet, instructions for entering can be found here. Below, 10 inventive uses from the Sugru gallery to get you inspired.
1. Hard Drive Stabilizer
Yorick came up with this clever hack for protecting his flimsy external hard drive: Sugru bumpers.
2. You Killed Kenny Doorstop
More of a design piece than a hack, Britt from Germany sculpted her own You Killed Kenny Doorstop with Sugru, her medium of choice.
3. Flashdrive
Hallvar from Norway used Sugru to rescue a 4GB Corsair Voyager Mini flash drive that had seen better days.
4. Clinique
What do you do when a bottle is so chipped it won't stand upright? Madeleine from London patched it with Sugru.
5. iPod Bumpers
Similar in concept to the hard drive protector shown above, Brian from Dublin protects his iPod with mini Sugru bumpers.
6. Bike Rack
Johann from Vancouver padded his bike bottle holder so it won't rattle around as he rides.
7. Glasses Pads
Need a quick fix for slipping specs? David from Florida used Sugru as a great nose pad substitute.
8. Comfier Tap
Sick of gripping something rough and rusty? Make a smoother grip by covering it with Sugru.
9. Models
David from London uses Sugru as a quick modeling clay—below, a termite mound for his project exploring acoustic botany.
10. Freezer Door Repair
Keith from Massachusetts had a freezer door that wouldn't shut right, due to a broken post that made the door lock shut. Replaced with Sugru—problem solved.
Header photo by 0olong
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